Multicultural Program to “Rocket” Development of Budding Socceroos

Being the only truly global football code, our game has a proven history of bringing countries and cultures together.  Regardless of barriers, football is a universal language and has the ability to unite people from completely different backgrounds.  This has underpinned the growth and development of the game in Australia, which has manifested in our
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JOB OPPORTUNITY – Casual Football Coaches

Hills Football is searching for Casual Football Coaches to help our expanding ALDI Mini Roos Kick Off programs! Coaches are required to have a good understanding of child behaviours with a passion for player development in football. Coaches will work very closely with Western Sydney Wanderers, Football NSW and Football Federation Australia. Hills Football Coach
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Coptic United Premier League Withdrawal

Hills Football wishes to advise that Coptic United have been withdrawn from the Mens Premier League 1 competition effective immediately. In the past few weeks, Hills Football and Coptic United have been working closely together to determine the best course of action for season 2018. We have also discussed ways in which we can together
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July School Holiday Clinics – Mini World Cup!

Holiday Skills Clinic & Mini World Cup   Hills Football Holiday Clinics are back, but this time revamped! Participants will receive 2 days of skills training under the best possible coaching in the Hills. Then they will take part in an epic one day Mini World Cup with prizes for the winners!   TO REGISTER
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Mens PL1 Golden Boot – Round 9

Things are starting to heat up in our mid year Golden Boot Tally.  Heres the round 9 leaderboard First Grade: Reece Iredale 8 Kellyville Kolts Jordan Bonello 7 Kenthurst Matthew Leroy 6 KDFC Peter Tarros 6 SNWFC Eran Underwood 5 Norwest Matt Planinic 4 Baulkham Hills Mitchell McComasky 4 CHU Steve Watkins 4 Glenhaven Zachary
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Mens PL1 Round 9 Weekly Wrap

Premier League – Round 9 Review Kenthurst put paid to Sydney North West FC in a crucial game in the fight for a finals spot.  The heavy 5-2 defeat sees the Goats slip further down the ladder, 6 points behind opponents Kenthurst who maintain their position in 4th spot. Norwest were hot on their heels
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Do I need to go to a Hospital Emergency Department?

The big question that parents ask when their child has an injury or a possible broken bone is “Do I need to go to a hospital Emergency Department?”. As a parent, it’s natural to panic and rush to hospital but this isn’t always the best thing for your child as you could then be faced
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Premier League – Round 7 Review

Out with the old, in with the new. Both of last year’s Grand Finalists suffered convincing 3-0 defeats on the weekend, against sides who finished outside of the finals placings in 2017.  Castle Hill United beat Kenthurst to push the reigning champs out of the top four.  Whilst Kellyville Kolts knocked off previously undefeated table
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Mens PL1 Round 7 Golden Boot

Heres the lasted Golden Boot standings for the Mens PL1 after 7 rounds of competition: Reserve Grade Arash Jafarzadeh 8 Baulkham Hills Mohammad Mohammadi 7 Baulkham Hills Michael French 6 Caste Hill United Alexander Steinkamp 5 Kenthurst Daniel Stowes 5 Glenhaven Matthew Reitano 5 Winston Hills Mujtaba Adeli 5 Kellyville Kolts   First Grade Eran
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Mens PL1 Round 6 Review

Winston Hills get Grand Final Revenge, whilst the Goats end Slump Sydney North West have ended their horror run with a 1-0 win over top four contenders Castle Hill United.  The win was much needed by the Goats, and came against a tough opposition who had have conceded less than a goal per game in
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