All Referee Courses offered by Hills Football can be found below. If you have any questions about referee courses, please contact our Referee Administration Officer in the first instance via email and copy our Referee Development Officer . If one any of the below courses do not suit you but you are still interested in attending a course, please express your interest via this form:

Level 4 Referee Courses (13+)

The Junior Football Match Official (Level 4) course is the entrance level course for all referees officiating competition matches (U12 and above). Referees at this level are managed directly by Hills Football and officiate at all grounds across the Hills Football zone. A step by step guide on how to attend a Level 4 course is below.

1. Please register in Play Football as a Learner NSW using the following link: Note: This registration is free to enable the etrainu system to recognise that you are from NSW. Once complete you should receive an email confirming your registration has been complete.

2. Approx 1 business day after completing step 1, please log into etrainu using the following link: Please ensure you log using the ‘Learner – Football Account’ options using your Play Football log in details. Once logged in, please click on training library on the left hand side. Then click on ‘Referee – Community’, then click on enrol under Laws of the Game. Note, you must complete the Laws of the Game before proceeding to Step 3.

3. Upon completion of the Online Laws of the Game you can then enrol in one of the below Junior Football Match Official Course (Level 4) currently offered by Hills Football. Please note there is a $33 fee for this course set by Football Australia.

Date and TimeLocationRegistration
Tuesday 4th February – Theory (6pm-9pm)

Monday 10th February – Practical (6.30pm-8pm)
HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Arnold Ave Sports Complex – Arnold Ave, Kellyville
Sunday 9th February – Theory & Practical (10am-3pm)Kenthurst Park – Roughley Road, Kenthurst
Thursday 20th February – Theory (6pm-9pm)

Monday 24th February – Practical (6.30pm-8pm)
HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Masonic Oval (Balcombe Heights Reserve) – Seven Hills Rd, Baulkham Hills
Tuesday 11th March – Theory (6pm-9pm)

Monday 17th March – Practical (6.30pm-8pm)
HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Masonic Oval (Balcombe Heights Reserve) – Seven Hills Rd, Baulkham Hills
Thursday 13th March – FEMALE ONLY Theory (6pm-9pm)

Monday 17th March – FEMALE ONLY Practical (6.30pm-8pm)
HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Masonic Oval (Balcombe Heights Reserve) – Seven Hills Rd, Baulkham Hills
Wednesday 23rd April – Theory (6pm-9pm)

Monday 28th April – Practical (6.30pm-8pm)
HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Arnold Ave Sports Complex – Arnold Ave, Kellyville

Once you have enrolled in one of the above Level 4 courses, you will need to complete an additional 4 online modules within etrainu. You can complete this by selecting the “My Training tab” and then selecting the appropriate course. These modules need to be completed prior to attending the in person sessions.

Instructing Referee Courses (11+)

Instructing Referees officiate matches in the Non-Competitive U6-11 competitions and this is often a persons first exposure to refereeing. Instructing Referees are managed directly by each HFI Member club, and typically will only officiate at the field/s of their associated HFI Member club. As such, it is vital that prior to attending an Instructing Referee course, prospective participants make contact with their HFI Member club’s Referee Coordinator to ensure that there is an available spot for them within their Instructing Referee program. A step by step guide on how to become an Instructing Referee with a HFI Member club is below.

1. Make contact with your HFI Member Club’s Referee Coordinator (CRC) to confirm a spot in their Instructing Referee Program. This can usually be achieved by finding the CRC’s contact details on the clubs website, or by contacting the Club Secretary.

2. Once a spot has been confirmed in your HFI Member Club’s Instructing Referee program, you can register for one of the Instructing Referee Theory courses presented by Hills Football using the following registration link: – A list of the available theory courses can be found below:

Date and TimeLocation
Friday 7th February 6.30pm-8pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 15th February 12.30pm-2pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 15th February 2.30pm-4pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Friday 21st February 6.30pm-8pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 1st March 12.30pm-2pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 1st March 2.30pm-4pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Friday 7th March 6.30pm-8pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 15th March 12.30pm-2pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Saturday 15th March 2.30pm-4pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

3. Following the theory component, you will need to register to attend a practical component. These practical sessions are in the process of being finalised. Once they are confirmed, they will appear here, along with the appropriate registration link.

Level 3 Referee Courses (16+)

The Senior Football Match Official (Level 3 Referee) course is tailored for those who wish to take their first steps into officiating senior-level football. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the Laws Of the Game as applied to adult competitions. Participants will learn the key aspects of match control and decision-making, preparing them for the demands of amateur senior football organised by Member Federations and Associations. Participants are required to be a minimum of 16 years old to attend this course. Course dates are below:

Date and TimeLocationRegistration
Thursday 13th February 6pm-9pmHFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista
Thursday 27th March HFI Office – 317/14 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista

Once you have enrolled in one of the above Level 3 courses, you will need to complete 7 online modules within etrainu. You can complete this by selecting the “My Training tab” and then selecting the appropriate course. These modules need to be completed prior to attending the in person sessions.