Welcome To Football Program Kicks Off

On Friday the Girls Only welcome to football four week program kick off at Bella Vista Public School with great success. Our Welcome To Football program is aimed at new players to the game and will go through the basics of football. Such as the rules, basic positioning, how to kick, pass, tackle and play
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Call for Director Nominations

Hills Football is calling for nominations for three (3) elected director positions as per our constitution. To nominate, candidates MUST complete the nomination form and send it to myself no later than 5pm on the 28th February 2020. DIRECTOR NONMIONATION FORM Clubs will have the ability to vote in the three new directors at our
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Job Opportunity Referee Admin and Allocations Officer

Hills Football is searching for a suitable qualified person to take on our casual role of Referee Admin & Allocations Officer. . TITLE: Referee Admin & Allocations Officer LOCATION: Hills Football – Bella Vista  START DATE: 3rd March 2020 POSITION TYPE: Casual (estimated 15 hours per week during the winter football season) OBJECTIVE: The primary
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Girls Come and Try Day 7th February

Thinking of giving football a go but aren’t quite sure? Hills Football will be providing FREE Come & Try days designed to give football a go in a fun and safe environment. Participants will learn basic skills to see if you are interested in our game before you commit. This session is suited for all
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Girls Welcome To Football Program

Football may be a daunting prospect for new players old or young. Our Welcome To Football program will provide all new players theory and physical sessions in order to teach you the basics of football. Such as the rules, basic positioning, how to kick, pass, tackle and play effectively & safely. This program will be
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Pathway Program 2020 Squad Announcement

2020 will see a lot of eyes on Hills Football with the expansion of their pathway programs. 2020 will see the return of GSAP under the banner of Hills Football. As in 2019 Hills United FC operated the program on behalf of Hills Football. Hills Football Head of Football and TD Dan Sheppard said  “I
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Become a Referee in 2020

Referees are the most important people on the Football Field! There are many reasons as to why you should become a referee with Hills Football: Help raise the standard of the game Earn some great cash Have fun and network with friends Develop your management and communication skills actively participate in football To become a
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Glenhaven Football Club Premier League Trails

Glenhaven Premier League Trials November 12th, 19th and 26th Glenhaven Premier League has a strong community and club culture, prides itself on playing a positive brand of football, and is keen to build on previous Premier League seasons. We have appointed two new coaches for the 2020 season, and are now looking to refresh and
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GSAP and AYL Assessment Dates

HILLS FOOTBALL PATHWAY FOOTBALL PROGRAMS  On the 26th September 2019, Football NSW announced the 2020 representative and pathway programs (information can be found here). Hills Football were granted licenses to conduct Girls SAP (GSAP) and Boys Association Youth League (AYL). . WHY ARE WE INVESTING IN PATHWAY FOOTBALL?  I’M Possible | Right to Play | I Told you so
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Representative Football Coaches Expression Of Interest

WHY ARE WE INVESTING IN PATHWAY FOOTBALL?  I’M Possible | Right to Play | I Told you so WHY, I’M Possible – HFI recognises the greatest natural resource within its community is its young people. HFI is committed to ensuring that all young people are encouraged to reach their potential through the power of self-belief by creating an understanding in themselves that
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