Did you know that you could earn up to $40,000 per year working casually with Hills Football?
We have job opportunities ranging from Academy Coaching, Mini Roos Kick Off Delivery and Referees.
Keep an eye on our JOBS BOARD HERE, and see the below open roles.
Mini Roos Kick Off Soccer Coaches
Hills Football conducts Mini Roos Kick Off sessions in Childcare Centres, Schools, Shopping Centres and within Clubs. Due to the programs growth, we are searching for dedicated an enthusiastic coaches to deliver these programs. The ideal candidate will an energetic, outgoing and enthusiastic personality with the ability to work with children. You do not have to have any experience in coaching, you just have to have the willingness to learn and provide an engaging program.
All coaches will be training and provided a FREE Mini Roos Coaching Certificate as well as have the option to increase their coaching experience via The Hills Football Academy.
- Flexible availability
- Self Reliant Transport
- Working With Childrens Check
Hills Football Will Provide:
- All session plans and equipment specific to the program
- mentoring, ongoing education and support
- Uniforms for all coaches
Coaches will receive a casual hourly rate of $25 to $50 per hour depending on skills and experience.
To apply, please send your resume to Alisa@hillsfootball.com.au or call 0401963632
The Hills Football Academy Coaches
Launched in 2018 and re branded in 2019, The Hills Football Academy provides local Hills Footballers the opportunity to increase their skill level and simply “Play Better”. As Such, Hills Football offers a range of programs available to players such as Development Programs, Holiday Clinics, Small Group Training and 1 on 1 Training.
The ideal candidates will have a passion for coaching and developing players of all levels. You will be able to work as a team and have a sound knowledge of the FFA National Curriculum.
- Flexible Hours
- Self Reliant Transport
- Strong Football Background
- Strong sense of commitment and responsibility
- Working With Children Check
Hills Football Will Provide:
- All session plans and equipment specific to the program
- mentoring, ongoing education and support
- Uniforms for all coaches
Hills Football has developed a band system to reward higher credentialed and experienced coaches, and to encourage younger coaches to develop their skills and experience.
Level 1 = $20 per hour
Level 2 = $25 – $30 per hour
Level 3 = $30-40 per hour
Level 4 = $40 – 50 per hour
Level 5 = $50 – 60 per hour
Level 6 = $60 -70 per hour
To apply, please send your resume to Zac@hillsfootball.com.au or call 0422579942 for more information
Football Referee
Referees are the most important people in our game. With over 500 matches played per weekend, we are searching for Referees to help officiate our games. Not only is refereeing a great way to keep fit, stay involved in the game and learn valuable life lessons, its great cash!
Referees earn between $20 and $80 per match and have the ability to further their careers into representative football.
To become a referee, please CLICK HERE
TITLE: Business Manager
LOCATION: Hills Football – Baulkham Hills.
As part of the Management Team of HFI, working hand in hand with the General Manager, the Business Manager role is to focus on the Business Functions required to elevate HFI, striving to achieve and execute against HFI’s strategic plan.
Introduce best practices across:
- IT
- HR
- Financial Management
- Facilities Advocacy and Delivery
- Sponsorship/Grants
The role will also focus externally, establishment of appropriate service agreements with all suppliers and manage the suppliers to deliverables. Work with the Member clubs to leverage our processes, procedures, collective buying power to improve the overall performance from an operational and financial perspective of each Member Club.
KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: The Business Manager will:
- Financial Management: Manage the business against established Budget. Identify opportunities to minimise costs and increase Revenues.
- Infrastructure/Facilities: Responsible for the Business Plan for all major infrastructure initiatives ie Home of Football. Build strong working relationships with Member Clubs, Local Councils, State Ministers, Business Executives to deliver against our Facilities plan.
- Sponsorship: Create brand awareness, brand value and target complimentary Business’s. Work with Member Clubs to align a Sponsorship strategy that will ultimately benefit the entire Association.
- Grants: Leverage every aspect of HFI, from All Abilities through to Premier League/NPL. We are a significant contributor to our community, to our local economy, and most importantly to individuals. Create and execute on a Grants application schedule.
- HR: Manage all HR related items, record keeping, leave management, payroll, establishment and management of internal HR related policies and procedures, well being
- IT: Delivery suitable IT infrastructure for the Association and Clubs to leverage from, understanding that our workforce is essentially mobile. Consideration to document storage, accessibility, security and protection of IP. GDPR is a critical consideration.
- Strategic Plan Management: Ensure the organisation and Board is tracking against key strategic plan initiatives.
- Monthly Executive Governance Reports capturing all key operating metrics
- Financials
- Progress against Strategic Plans
- Sponsorship and Grants
- Establish Operating procedures, HR, Payroll, Stock Management
- Deliver suitable IT infrastructure to ensure HFI can operate efficiently and effectively
- Create a Customer Satisfaction survey we issue Clubs and Partnering Organisations ie FNSW, Council that we can use to quantify performance
- Develop a Facilities plan for HFI and Clubs. This plan is to include business case to deliver on end state.
- Quarterly Meetings with Hills Council
- Monthly Meetings with Hills United
- Target $200k of Sponsorship and Grants Yr1
- Reports to the General Manager
- Establish and maintain strong professional relationships and communication with all staff, the HFI Board, all Member Clubs and various stakeholders, including other clubs (both association and FNSW clubs), associations, FNSW, Local Politicians, State Politicians, Federal politicians, All levels of local council.
Applications for this role close on the 21st March 2019