Uniting the Community: A Call for Support for the ‘Hills Home of Football’

The ‘Hills Home of Football’ located at Caddies Creek – Stage 2 will see a much needed centre of excellence established within the Hills, ensuring all participation opportunities can be fulfilled for not only existing and future members, but also the broader Hills community. 

With a draft Master Plan published by The Hills Shire Council in 2021, Hills Football Inc. (HFI) and Hills United FC (HUFC) provided a joint submission for the proposed site, receiving unwavering support from those involved.

Since then, both HFI and HUFC have been working hard behind the scenes to seek funding and resources to ensure that this facility can be established and utilised by the Community at large. To ensure that we achieve this, we require your support to assist us in ensuring the projects continued success and accessibility for all.

With growth by over 1,000 winter and 1,000 summer players in the 2023 and 2024 seasons alike and a highly successful representative pathways program, there is a strong need to provide a elite project for all to access.

To assist us, we would love to hear from the Community around their support for the ‘Hills Home of Football’ by sharing the below video and completing the below form:


Whether you’re a player, a spectator, or simply a believer in the power of community, your contribution matters. Together, let’s ensure that this project is at the heart of the Hills community.