On the 6th march 2019, Hills Football held a meeting with the relevant clubs involved in the u15g and Youth Girls Competitions to determine the make up for the year.
It was agreed that the following formats will be adopted for season 2019:
U15 Girls:
- Each team to play each other once.
- After the first full round of competitions, teams will be divided into Div 1 and Div 2 according to their place on the table.
- Team will then continue to play each other until a full 18 rounds have been played.
- A finals series will be conducted for both divisions as per all other competitions.
Youth Girls:
- Each team to play each other once.
- After the first full round of competitions, teams will be divided into Div 1 and Div 2 according to their place on the table.
- Team will then continue to play each other until a full 18 rounds have been played.
- A finals series will be conducted for both divisions as per all other competitions.