There’s no denying the meteoric rise of Women’s Football in Australia. At the grass roots level, participation rates are climbing, whilst at the top, the Matilda’s sit third in the World rankings having just sold out four games straight.
Glenhaven FC’s Secretary and Ladies Convener Terry Hoyle puts Australia’s performance at the Women’s World Game down to three things: high female participation rates, the qualities of the game – such as its competitiveness, accessibility, and lack of discrimination – , as well as the Matilda’s success.
“It’s the perfect choice for parents who want their daughters to play a sport that is not only fun and competitive, but also confidence building for all ages and abilities! I think the large spike we have witnessed in the last few years is a direct result of our amazing Matilda’s and the much deserved attention they have been receiving.”
Chris Thian, President of Hills Spirit FC adds that the shift in attitude to women’s sport and increased media coverage has played a vital role in developing not just Football, but all women’s sport, which the former benefits from.
“I think there is a general change in all women’s sports, not just football, to grow and develop, which has led to the media and the general public giving women’s sport the place and attention it deserves… In many parts of the world, sadly this is not the case but in recent times in Australia, there has definitely been a shift in attitude.”
There’s also something to be said for the rise in profile of our female football stars and the impact it has on the participation of young girls. Samantha Kerr is arguably one of the best players in the World at the moment, and you would have to be living under a sporting rock to not have heard her name by now. As the Hills Association General Manager Kurt Johnson puts it:
“These young girls have world superstars like Sam Kerr to look up to. They are seeing their heroes scoring goals as good as any we’ve seen, whilst make a living out of doing what they love; and that makes all the difference”.
Whilst the Women’s game has come in leaps and bounds over the past decade, there’s still room left for it to rise. That’s why the Hill Association have made it one of their key focus areas going forward.
“We’ve doubled down our focus on promoting the Women’s game in the Hills. The reason the Matilda’s are excellent at the top level is because of the rise in participation of young girls; so that’s our focus. The game provides a sense of empowerment and community that’s plays a pivotal role in any individuals life, and we want to get that message out.”
Add to that the Government’s new $100 rebate on sporting registration, and there’s never been a better time to join the Women’s game. And what better place to participate than one of the countries youngest and fasted growing associations.
Want to play Football in the Hills or know someone who does?
These clubs are looking for female players:
Glenhaven FC
- We are supporting the growth of Girl’s & Women’s Football in our local area and are encouraging as many girls as possible to join us in 2018!
- We are offering girls and women the most Affordable Registration Fees in our district, as well as Early Bird Discounts and the $100 Active Kids Rebate.
- GlenhavenFC is a family friendly club, located in a strong community that is passionate about its football! Whether you’re playing competitively or with friends you will be welcomed as part of the family!
Contact: Terry Hoyle
Email: ladies@glenhavenfc.com
Website: www.glenhavenfc.com/blog/girls-come-try-football-glenhaven
Hills Spirit FC
- Whilst we are a small club, we are very much a club where everyone is treated as an individual and made to feel like one and not just a number. The aim for us is to give everyone which is part of our club a brilliant football experience and feel part of a family.
- This community spirit is immense amongst our volunteers. We have an army of selfless volunteers who keep the club running strong who are always willing to pitch in.
- We really would like to grow numbers in women’s football and would like to develop a program where our older girls will mentor and coach our junior players down the track. Proving them with opportunities to develop their involvement in football not just as players but as role models and leaders.
Contact: Chris Thian
Email: presidenthillsspiritfc@gmail.com
Website: http://hillsspiritfc.com.au/register-to-play/
Glenhaven and Hills Spirit aren’t the only club who offer female football. Find our whole list of clubs here.