What a night this was for Norwest Football Club as they host their very first in house Coach Education session of the year.
On Tuesday the 17th of March, Club Coach Coordinator (CCC) Adrian Jennings also known around the grounds as AJ, invited all the MiniRoos coaches from Norwest to participate in a coaching session. AJ took control of the night from the very start as he welcomed 20 coaches from the club at Francesco Reserve where he had the mighty Norwest under 10’s team participating in the night also.
The aim of the night was for AJ to introduce himself to the coaches as a resource from the club, whilst also taking the coaches through training sessions that they can implement during the season.
This set up gave AJ the opportunity to work with the team so that the coaches could see the drills live and ask questions in the process. Some key points from the night were based around having a good set up, understanding the objective of your session with a large focus on coaching tips. However, the key principle and message from AJ were “To keep your practice safe, organised, enjoyable and engaging for your players”.
Hills Football’s very own Technical Director Dan Sheppard along with Football Development Manager Zac Ribeiro attended the night to support the club and AJ.
Dan mentioned, “These are the exact initiatives we want all our grassroots clubs to host. The main reason why players leave our game is due to the coach. If we can provide resources and support to our volunteer coaches we hope to keep players in the game for longer giving our players the best football experience possible. Dan went on to say “AJ delivered a fantastic information night for the coaches, well done to the club and all the coaches involved”.
AJ has also spent some time last year working with Football Development Manager Zac Ribeiro, on becoming a community coach presenter to deliver community coaching courses. Hills Football would like to see the number of presenters in the association continue to grow year on year.
In line with the club’s direction and strategic plan, 80% of all Norwest coaches hold relevant coaching certificates. The club believes that the coaching experience a club provides is vital in retaining players at the club, better coaches equals a better football experience.
Well done to the club with a special mention to AJ for his continues efforts and support to his community coaches.