As the 2022 season approaches and players are registering, then being graded and allocated teams. A coach needs to be appointed!
How is a coach appointed?
Typically across grassroots football not just within Hills Football, the coach is a parent volunteering. Or in some cases being “volun-told” often being sold down the rive by your own child, “my mum/dad can do it!” Congratulations! If this is you, read up some additional information on how to coach the team your child plays in.
If you are interested or had some coaching experience previously reach out to the CCC (Club Coaching Coordinator) at your local club. Clubs are always on the look out for coaches.
Now you are the coach, what do you need to do?
It is required that all coaches (parent of a player in the team or external to the playing group) need to obtain a Working with Children’s Check through Service NSW.
2. Training
Confirm with your club, when training will be and when it will start. Each Club arranges their training schedule slightly differently.
3. Coaching Certificates
Watch this short information video about community coaching courses or read this page for further information. Typically Hills Football offer 4 different coaching courses;
Miniroo – Skill Training – Game Training and then C Licence. As a minimum we highly encourage all coaches to complete at least a Miniroo certificate. A Miniroo certificate is ideally targeted towards coaches working with young players (5-8 years old) however many of the guiding principles are transferable to older age groups. As an added incentive a Miniroo certificate is FREE and only takes 3 hours.
To find a list of the Hills Football coaching courses please visit the events calendar. To view all the active courses in NSW please click here.