Hills Football are proud to announce as part of the Female Football week celebrations two coaching courses exclusive to current or aspiring female coaches.
In 2021 Hills Football scheduled its first ever Female Only coaching course, unfortunately it was postponed due to the last lockdown. In early 2022 we were successful in delivering the first Female Only MiniRoo certificate! For 2022 Female Football week we have set the bar even higher. This year we are offering a MiniRoos certificate and a Skill Training Certificate. The course details are available below, registrations are open, sign up today! Please note that places are limited.
MiniRoo Certificate
Date: Tues 31 May 2022
Where: Fred Caterson Reserve (Home of Castle Hill United FC)
Time: 6-9pm
Register: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/?EID=25223
What is it: This is a fantastic course for the absolute beginner, or someone that is considering coaching but doesn’t have a team yet. We also encourage team managers, parents and players to try this course. The course practical based, with the emphasis on FUN and natural development. Tailoring the course content towards players 5-9 years old.
Cost: FREE
Skill Training Certificate
Date: Tue 7, 14, 21st June 2022
Where: Fred Caterson Reserve (Home of Castle Hill United FC)
Time: 6-9:30pm
Register: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/?EID=25224
What is it: Develops on from the MiniRoo certificate, highlighting for coaches the foundation of technique and skill. The course is suited for coaches of players 9-13 years old.
Cost: $90