Hills Football are excited to provide an update regarding the 2022 Association Youth League (AYL) trials.
Due to the NSW lockdown Hills Football is only in the position to provide a partial update and more information will be provided as COVID restrictions are lifted. Trials will only happen once community sport is allowed to resume by the NSW government, which we believe will be once NSW achieves 80% of double doses.
Please note that Hills Football will not be offering positions to players “unseen” or wishing to join from a program/club outside of the 2021 AYL program prior to the trials. Please do not stress we will be conducting a trial as soon as government restrictions allow. If the Hills Football direction on trials/selection changes due to further COVID restrictions, this webpage will be updated to always show the most up to date directive.
About the Hills Football AYL Program
Residential: Players are only eligible for a position if they reside within the “FNSW Met West” boundaries. Which is a combination of the Hills, Blacktown, Granville and Nepean Football Associations. Players wishing to trial from outside of those boundaries are welcome but will require an exemption from FNSW. Exemptions are only processed and provided after the trials are complete.
Please also note that preference is given to players that live within the Hills Football boundaries.
In 2021, 88% of Hills Football AYL players lived locally.
Training: 2 sessions per week commencing immediately after trials are complete until the Christmas break. 3 sessions per week from January through to end of the 2022 season. Dates/times/locations to be announced later on. All players need to maintain a minimum training attendance of 90% for all sessions.
Coaches: All coaches within Hills Football are suitably qualified and experienced. Please note that there are no parents coaching their own child’s age group.
Trials: Hills Football intend to undertake the 2022 player trials at the earliest convenience in accordance with all NSW government restrictions. At this stage we cannot provide an exact date, but ask all interested players please complete the EOI form. The EOI form will morph into the registration for for trials later on. The EOI form will in the first instance create a database of interested parties. As information changes and updates can be provided this database will be directly contacted via email (please ensure your email address is correct).
It is expected that Hills Football will undertake 2-3 trial sessions per squad, as vacancies are required.
Expression of Interest form: https://forms.gle/yEKMLgHfzvQTpsMn7
Vacancies: Hills Football have secured some retentions from the 2021 players due to the uncertainty from Covid. However, we can confirm that there are a number of positions in ALL grades and will update as required.
U13: All vacant (no retentions)
U14: Vacancies
U15: Vacancies
U16: Vacancies