Hills Football are proud and extremely excited to announce the introduction of our Female Coaching Network. Registrations are now open in preparation for it’s launch inline with the 2022 football season.
The Female Coaching Network is easily accessible and available to any female currently coaching or thinking about coaching within the Hills Football Association. The network will provide a safe and inclusive environment for all involved and will encourage information sharing, support, and skill development.
The network is open to all females regardless of experience, age, skill level – be that as a coach, or the skill level of the players. The program is free to all participants, although there might be some optional events throughout the program that could incur costs. This may include coaching courses or upskilling events and opportunities.
Hills Football Technical Director Dan Sheppard stated that “female football has really seen an increase in visibility, popularity, and awareness in recent years. There are some fantastic female football role models around, from the international stage to closer to home at the grassroots level. It’s vital to continue to develop and grow female coaches. Female coaches are key role models and educators for our players and as such, its an honour to be part of an initiative that will provide so many benefits to those involved.”
Football NSW recently announced their ambition to raise the representation of female coaches in NSW to 23%. Because of this, Hills Footballs aim with our Network is to be an invaluable tool to assist with achieving that figure.
In order to join the program please complete the form at
For more information, you can also contact us via office@hillsfootball.com.au