Hills Football and Hills United FC are proud to announce the trials for the up coming 2021 trials for all Pathway Programs starting next week. Please note all players need to register via the appropriate links.
Mixed SAP and NPL Youth Boys
Registration link: https://bit.ly/hufc2021EOIsapnpl

AYL trials will be held at the following locations:
Sunday 8th Nov at Bernie Mullane Sports Complex (Marella Ave, Kellyville NSW 2155)
All other dates will be at Bella Vista Public School (83 Free Settlers Dr, Kellyville NSW 2155)
Please note that the first two trial dates for AYL are OPEN trials for all players that reside within the Met West boundaries. The third and forth trial dates are by invite only. Please also note that trials may be completed earlier than the final date.
To clarify the open trials for all AYL squads are as below:
U13 – Sunday 8th and Tuesday 10th November
U14 – Sunday 8th and Thursday 12th November
U15 – Sunday 8th and Thursday 12th November
U16 – Sunday 8th and Tuesday 10th November
Any AYL trials after this date are via invite ONLY.
Girls SAP and GCL
Registration Link: https://bit.ly/hufc2021EOIgsapwnpl

Good luck to all that participate.