Hills Football are excited to announce the 2023 Association Youth League (AYL) trial registration form. Hills Football are extremely proud of their AYL program. The program has grown in strength over the recent years, with 2022 being only the third season of existence, with a high selection rate of local grassroots footballers (92%). The AYL program is open for boys competing in the upcoming 2023 Winter Football season in the following age groups: Under 13’s, 14’s, 15’s, 16’s and 18’s (Please reference below for age groups and DOB requirements).
About the Hills Football AYL Program
Residential: Players are only eligible for a position if they reside within the “FNSW Met West” boundaries. The FNSW Met West Boundaries is the combination of the Hills, Blacktown, Granville and Nepean Football Associations.
Please note: Players wishing to trial from outside of those boundaries are welcome but will require an exemption from FNSW. Exemptions are only processed and provided after the trials are complete.
Please also note that preference is given to players that live within the Hills Football boundaries.
Training: 1-2 sessions per week commencing immediately after trials are complete until the Christmas break as per the schedule. 3 sessions per week from January through to end of the season (September). Dates/times/locations to be announced later on. All players need to maintain a minimum training attendance of 90% for the entire season.
Coaches: All coaches within Hills Football are suitably qualified and experienced. Please note that there are no parents coaching their own child’s age group.
Trials: Trial dates will be announced at the appropriate times, but please plan for a trial period commencing early-mid October. Once confirmed, all of those who have expressed interest will recieve all information related to dates, times and locations of trials.
2022 AYL players were all required to re-trial. As such there will be VACANCIES IN ALL age groups.
Please note the 2023 age groups and birth requirements are:
Under 13 (2010 & 2011 born)
Under 14 (2009 born)
Under 15 (2008 born)
Under 16 (2007 born)
Under 18 (2006 & 2005 born)
To complete the trial registration form, please click on the below link:
Trial registration form – https://forms.gle/qBZ1oumF3ssgdSP7A