The announcement on Thursday of a Hills United FC licence in Football NSW Women’s State League competition is a historic one for the Hills community and its football members.
For the first time in our history, situated in the Hills LGA, we will be part of the Talented Player Pathway for aspiring Female footballers from Under 10’s Skill Acquisition Program (SAP) all the way to Seniors First Grade football.
This is in no short part of the tireless work of the HUFC committee, supporters, and Hills Football community in the continual advocacy and promotion of a Women’s program.
Its hard to imagine a more exciting time for female football in our area. Female participation grew by 20% in 2021, female teams doubled across all age grades, the Association has had significant growth in non-traditional football activities such as Summer and Walking Football, and of course, in less than two years we will play host to the largest female sporting event on the planet – the FIFA Women’s World Cup.
This result whilst tremendous for the Club and Association is symbolic of the growth, desire and actions undertaken by those within the Hills grassroots football landscape, specifically our member Clubs in facilitating ‘best practice’ female football opportunities, a positive, developmental club culture, the commitment to greater develop, encourage and support not just female players but coaches, referees and administrators.
There is a lot of work still to go but the Association, Hills United and our Member Clubs are certainly on the right trajectory and no doubt will be responsible to for the development of many future Matildas in the years to come.