Hills Football has been successful in securing grant funding from the Office of Sport through the NSW Legacy Fund which is specifically used to target participation (and facilities in another stream) growth for females as we head towards the commencement of 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup. The Fund is an initiative established by the NSW Government, Football NSW and Northern NSW as a result of NSW hosting FIFA Women’s World Cup matches in 2023.
The funding received through the NSW Football Legacy Fund will support a Hills Football project to further support our female Coaches and Referees by covering the cost of grassroots and advanced courses. The project was created after assessing both the Coaching and Refereeing data from 2022 which identified a lack of female representation. Through existing HFI Female Coaching Networks and HFI Female Referee Networks, this legacy funding will support the targeted group by identifying and selecting 10 aspiring female Coaches and Referees (separately) who will be up skilled and put through all grassroots coaching and refereeing certificates at no cost. In addition, 3 selected individuals will also take part in opportunities and courses as part of the advanced Coach/Referee pathway at no cost.
In addition, the relaunch of both Networks in which the mentioned participants will be a part of will go hand-in-hand in ensuring further support and mentoring during these upskilling opportunities. These networks are run by experienced and qualified female champions whose aim to to upskill and foster the goals of these selected participants.
Keep a look out for our following articles with specific details on how you can be involved. If you’re an interested participant for either the Female Coaching Network or Female Refereeing Network, please contact Nikki on nikki.riddle@hillsfootball.com.au