As mentioned upon notification of season abandonment, HFI wishes to extend our sincere thanks for your collective efforts in what was another challenging season. Despite the positives during the season until lockdown; it was the community spirit and support during these trying times that truly showed the strength and unity of our sport and its members within the Hills community.
On the 6th August following a HFI Presidents Meeting, it was determined that under the current Public Health Orders that the 2021 season be abandoned effective immediately, just prior to Round 12 of the competition. Within the communication it was reiterated that Hills Football would continue to support its members by facilitating a ‘refund process’ similar to that of the 2020 season and in doing so pass on any applicable Football Australia and Football NSW refunds. Furthermore, it was determined that HFI would pass on a ‘pro-rata’ participant refund of the Hills Football Registration Fee.
In light of this, the HFI Board and Management collectively with the 21 Member Clubs formulated a position and process regarding the final calculated amount applicable to the 2021 player refunds. The percentage discount was arrived at via several factors including:
- Junior and Senior teams playing 11 of 18 competition rounds at the time of season abandonment.
- Commitment to pass on all applicable Football NSW (16-19% dependent on age category) and Football Australia (no refund/discount passed onto players) applied refunds/discounts.
- Operational and administrative costs factored in to accommodate the overheads and other expenses already incurred or committed to.
- HFI will offer a discount on its component of the fee charged at a rate of 40%.
The following table displays the full breakdown and analysis of refunds/discounts relevant to each age category:

The refund process will be similar to the 2020 season in that a Jotform will need to be completed to enable us to process all refunds.
The Jotform for the 2021 seasons refund/discount will be open for 2021 Registered Participants from 22nd November 2021 and will close on 15th April 2022.
You can access the 2021 Winter Season Refund Form here: https://form.jotform.com/212937104403851
For any questions or queries, you can contact us via office@hillsfootball.com.au