Hills United Football Club and Hills Football are pleased to announce the appointment of the following 2019 GCL and GSAP coaches. We are very pleased with the quality and experience of the coaches and we look forward to a great year and a bright future creating better pathways for Girl’s and Women’s football in the Hills
U/17s GCL Peter Denyer
U/15s GCL Allen Cetenic
U/14s GCL Sam McGowan
U/13s GSAP Jon Maddox
U/12s GSAP Trent Kiner
U/11s GSAP Alisa McDonald
U/10s GSAP Callum Maddox
Each will have an assistant coach confirmed and announced shortly. We look forward to a great turn out of talent for GSAP at Bernie Mullane this weekend and for GCL trials next month.
To register and for more information, please visit www.hillsfootball.com.au/girlsreps