Hills Football and Hills United FC are proud to announce that in 2019, together we have applied to participate in the FULLTIME GSAP and FULLTIME Girls Conference League programs.
What does this mean?
This means that Hills Football Association will provide the opportunity for our talented female players the chance to be coached and tutored under the watchful eye of Hills United FCs technical director Alex Tobin. The program will be in line with the Boys SAP system that has been in place for a number of years.
Whats next?
Hills Football will host an information evening on the 13th September, 7pm at the Dining Hall, Valentine Sports Park, Glenwood. Here, we will answer any questions regarding the GSAP & GCL programs for any parents of current or new players.
When will trials be held?
Trials will for both programs will be announced shortly after Football NSW confirm the leagues on the 24th September.
GSAP trial window is in between mid October and Mid November.
Girls Conference League trial window is late November through to early December.
Do I need to express interest in trialling?
Yes, please CLICK HERE to express interest for your daughter.
Hills Football is committed to the growth and development of Female Football. As such, we are investing into the space. We recently have opened a new role within the organisation titled the “Female Football Manager” – please click here for more information on this role.
Hills Football and Hills United FC cant wait to see the day when our next crop of Matildas started their journey here with us in the Hills!
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