Hills Football wishes to advise that Coptic United have been withdrawn from the Mens Premier League 1 competition effective immediately.
In the past few weeks, Hills Football and Coptic United have been working closely together to determine the best course of action for season 2018. We have also discussed ways in which we can together help grow the club for in the years to come. This will include ALDI Mini Roos Kick Off programs, junior teams, ladies teams and senior teams and Summer Football teams.
Both Hills Football and Coptic United are excited to work together on growing the above mentioned programs.
For the remainder of the season 2018, the following will apply:
- – Coptic United will be regraded into the AAM3 competition, taking the “bye” position. Coptic United will have ONE team in the AAM3 competition.
- – Coptic United will carry their points earned in 1st grade over to the AAM3 competition.
- – Teams scheduled to play Coptic United in the Mens PL1 competition will have the “bye”.
- – All games played against Coptic United in the Mens PL1 competition from round 10 onward will be awarded the “bye” and all goal differences will be changed to a 3-0 win.
- – All goals scored against Coptic United in the Mens PL1 competition from round 10 onward will be removed from the Golden Boot tally.