Hills Football have kicked off 2022 with a “C Licence” and a “Game Training Certificate”. Are you a coach or interested in progressing your coaching in 2022?
“You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you take that first step and just go for it.”
Natasha Hastings
Commencing mid January, in accordance with Football NSW, Hills Football’s Technical Director Dan Sheppard delivered the first of two C Licences for the Hills District in 2022. “The course was really enjoyable, with a really good connection between the coaches on the course. We had coaches from Glenhaven FC, Hills United FC, Kellyville United FC, Rouse Hill Rams and Winston Hills FC plus more, who all came together to create a really good atmosphere.” Hills Football would like to congratulate all coaches on completing the course, and wishing them the best of luck with their assessment.
Hills Football will also be hosting a second C Licence in accordance with Football NSW, starting Sunday 6th March. The second course will be delivered over 7 Sundays, between 6th March and 1st May. Registrations are open, and limited. In order to secure your position click on this link.
Coaching courses closer to home kicked off this month, with a Game Training Certificate hosted by North Rocks FC. A Game Training Certificate is designed for coaches ideally working with players 14+. On this course the aim is to provide coaches with an understanding of tactical awareness, perception and decision making through game related approach to training.
February will also see Hills Football deliver a Female Only MiniRoos Certificate at Ted Horwood Reserve. A MiniRoo Certificate is a fantastic starting place for anyone unsure or new about coaching. The course is delivered in one session taking 3 hours, normally 6-9pm. Is fully practical and engaging. Perhaps the best part of this course is that it is completely free! If you are a female looking to get a coaching qualification this should be your first place of interest. To register click here.
Stay updated on Coaching courses across the Association on the Hills Football Events Calendar.
Hills Football intent to deliver:
Multiple MiniRoo and Skill Training Certificates across March/April/May.
Further Game Training Certificates at or around early to mid season and post season.