Since the return of football training in late May there have been many milestones along the way getting us back to normal life. The return of coach education is another one of these milestones. Coach education was allowed to restart from July 1st when contact training and field numbers were more favourable.
Hills Football has got of the ground running delivering MiniRoos certificates at Kellyville United, Eric Mobbs Reserve and Gooden Reserve in the space of 2 weeks. The MiniRoos certificate is a fun 3 hour course that is packed full of practical. The course encourages the coach to develop practices that are fun with the emphasis on natural development. Coaches get an introductory exposure to the game and hints and tips on building a football journey.
Hills Football and the newly accredited coaches would like to thank Football NSW Junior Participation Coordinator Kevin Guardado Amaya who delivered one of the MiniRoos courses on behalf of Hills Football.

Next up for the Hills Coach Education is the Skill Training Certificate. The skill training certificate works with players within the skill acquisition phase or under 9 – under 13’s.
In the Skill Acquisition Phase the focus in on building a solid foundation of technical skill. The course will be conducted over 3 evenings, is fully practical and deals with the development of the 4 Functional Game Skills:
First Touch
Striking the Ball
Running with the Ball
1 v 1
The skill training certificate will be delivered by Hills Football coach educators Dan Sheppard and Zac Ribeiro at Caddies Creek on Mon 20th, Wed 22nd and Mon 27th July. Spaces are still available for the course, if you are interested go to: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/?EID=22214
August will see the coach education theme progress to the Game Training Certificate. The game training certificate is designed for coaches working with players within the game training phase or 13-17 year old players.
In the Game Training Phase the coach’s aim will be the development of tactical awareness, perception and decision making through a game related approach to training.
The course is conducted over 4 evenings, is fully practical and provides the coach with training sessions designed to help the players apply the Functional Game Skills in a team setting using the FFA endorsed ‘1-4-3-3’ formation.
The game training certificate will be delivered by Hills Football coach educators Dan Sheppard and Zac Ribeiro at Eric Mobbs Reserve #3 and 4 on Mon 20th, Wed 22nd and Mon 27th July. Spaces are still available for the course, if you are interested go to: https://education-ffa.sportingpulse.com/Entry/?EID=22216