Our family friendly club was established in 2006. We are extremely proud of Rouse Hill Rams and what we stand for. We believe in community and know that each member of our club is proud to be part of one of the largest clubs within the Hills Football Association. Our club is run through the kind generosity of a number of dedicated volunteers who greatly enjoy the sport and take pride in supporting their children, their club and their community. We would love you join us next season, hope to see you there.
What Age groups do we offer?
The Rouse Hill Rams offer options for all age groups from U5/6’s through to over 45s.
Do you offer female only teams?
Yes, the Rouse Hill Rams have number of female only teams from U8/9 through to over 30’s. Rams are super proud to have one of the highest participation rates of females with the Hills Football Association.
What inclusions do you receive with your registration fee?
Each player received a Training Shirt to keep as part of their registration fee.
Players from U5/6 to U9 will also have access to a specialised skills development training program through Kano Football.
When / How Long / Where do the participants train?
Training will take place at Rams HQ known as the Hills Centenary Park – Commercial Rd &, Withers Rd, Rouse Hill NSW. Training nights and times are set in consultation with the coach and the parents.