Castle Hill United Football Club is a local volunteer club that was established in 1972 to provide the opportunity for our local community to play football, catering for all ages, levels of ability for both males and females. We are one of the largest clubs in the Hills Football Association.
What Age groups do you offer?
CHUFC offer mixed teams for Funskills (5-6yo, in-house), U7 (6-7yo, in house, SSF), U8-U11 (SSF, playing against other HFI clubs), U12-O45s (competition, playing against other HFI clubs)
Do you offer female only teams?
Yes, CHUFC offer girls only U9 through to U16/U18 as well as All Age Ladies and over 30 ladies.
When / How Long / Where do the participants train?
All CHUFC players train at Fred Caterson Reserve, during the week for a minimum of 1 hour each training session.