Hills Football Inc. is calling for nominations for three (3) elected director positions as per the HFI constitution.
To nominate, candidates must complete the below Nomination Form and return via email to generalmanager@hillsfootball.com.au no later than 5:00pm on Monday 27th March 2023.
2023 Call for Directors Nominations Form
Member Clubs will vote in the three (3) new directors at our 2023 AGM which is scheduled for Monday 15th May 2023. In addition to the ‘Criteria’ competencies as outlined in clause 18.5 (j) of the HFI Constitution; HFI will seek nominees that demonstrate competencies that adequately facilitate and support portfolios inclusive of:
- Football NSW Talented Player Pathways/Technical Development/Representative Football
- Refereeing
- Marketing, Commercial and IT processes
- Legal
- Business Development / Planning
If you have any questions relating to the election or nomination process, please contact generalmanager@hillsfootball.com.au