Hills Football is excited to be able to offer 3-6 year olds a fun, inclusive weekly football program at Rouse Hill Town Centre.
The ALDI MiniRoos Kick-Off program starts on Tuesday 29th January, 2019 and will run for 10 weeks at a cost of $100. The price is inclusive of shin bags, ball, boot bag, water bottle, 2 x A-League tickets, stickers and soccer shirt! The program is delivered by Hills Football’s qualified coaches in a friendly and safe environment, the weekly 45 minute football sessions will build skills through games and simple activities.
What is ALDI Mini Roos Kick Off?
It’s a fun introduction to football and a fantastic way to build fundamental motor skills, develop social interaction abilities and stay healthy through physical activity. Registrations are open now!
Secure your spot by clicking on the links below to register.
Margaret Catchpole Room of the Vinegar Hill Community Centre (Rouse Hill Town Centre).
Each Tuesday starting the 29th of January 2019
Weekly 45-minute sessions for 10 weeks
There will be two session times available to you, please select your preferred time.
Session 1 = 10:15am – 11:00am
Session 2 = 11:05am – 11:50am
How To Register
There will be two session times available to you, please select your preferred time.
Session 1 – CLICK HERE
Session 2 – CLICK HERE
For more information or to ask any questions, please email Alisa alisa@hillsfootball.com.au or call 0401 963 632