Hills Football is dedicated to ensuring that grassroots footballers in the Hills District are able to reach their full potential. The Association Youth League (AYL) Program is a critical step in the Hills Football Player Pathway, enabling players with desires and characteristics of Elite Football to surround themselves in an environment focused on individual development both technically and tactically.
The AYL Program follows the Football NSW Landscape with teams in the U13’s, 14’s, 15’s, 16’s and 18’s. The Season commences with player trials in October, with selected players continuing with training up to the Christmas break two-three times a week. Pre-season training will return in mid-January and continue to the end of the season with training three times a week + a game on the weekend.
Residential requirements: Players are only eligible for a position if they reside within the “Football NSW Met West” boundaries. This is a combination of the Hills, Blacktown, Granville and Nepean Football Association boundaries. Players wishing to trial from outside of those boundaries are welcome to attend however, will require an exemption from FNSW in order to be approved to register. As such we kindly request you correctly identify your suburb when completing the registration form. Exemptions are only applied for, once the trial period is complete and if a position is offered to the relevant player.
Hills Football are very proud of the high participation within the AYL program from locally based players. In 2021, 88% of Hills Football AYL players lived locally, and this grew to 91% in the 2022 season.
Trials: Dates of Trials will be announced in the near future
It is expected that Hills Football will undertake 2-4 trial sessions per squad, as vacancies require.
Hills Football will attempt to conduct trials on a synthetic surface where possible in order to ensure the schedule is not affected by the weather.
Please note the 2024 age groups and birth requirements are:
Under 13 (2011 & 2012 born)
Under 14 (2010 born)
Under 15 (2009 born)
Under 16 (2008 born)
Under 18 (2007 & 2006 born)
To register your interest, please complete the form below: