After a successful trial in 2018’s Premier League Competitions, Hills Football can confirm that temporary dismissals will be introduced to all competitions aged 16 and over, Male and Female.
How does it work?
System B – temporary dismissal (for dissent):
• All other cautionable offences are punished with a caution (YC) *meaning Dissent is no longer an offence punishable by a Yellow Card*
• A player who has been temporarily dismissed (TD) and then receives a caution (YC) continues playing
• A player who has received a caution (YC) and then receives a temporary dismissal (TD) can continue playing after the end of the temporary dismissal period
• A player who receives a second temporary dismissal (TD) in the same match will serve the temporary dismissal and then takes no further part in the match. The player may be replaced by a substitute at the end of the second temporary dismissal period if the player’s team has not used its maximum number of substitutes but a player who has also received a non-temporary dismissal caution (YC) may not be replaced or substituted
• A player who receives a second caution (YC) in the same match will be sent off and takes no further part in the match and may not be replaced/ substituted