30 coaches battled the heat on Saturday for their first day of a C-License Course held by Hills Football. Under the watchful eye of experienced Football NSW coach educator Danny Aboud, these coaches are now on their way to the first steps of the FFA’s elite coaching pathways.
This is the first C-License that Hills Football has hosted since incorporating in late 2016.
Hills Football is committed to the development and education of coaches within our Association that ultimately provides the players with a better experience. Hills Footballs Development Manager Zac Ribeiro said “Coach Education is crucial to ensure each coach and player is equipped with the right skill set and knowledge allowing the football product is a rewarding and enjoyable experience for all” Zac also said “better coaches equal better players”.
Hills Football will be hosting many more coach education courses in the lead up to season 2019 so keep an eye out!
If you are interested in further coach education, please contact zac@hillsfootball.com.au