To support and acknowledge some key celebrations and community initiatives throughout the calendar year, Hills Football has put together some Association and Club led campaigns which you can find in the attached graphic.
A full description of each of these can be found below:
Cancer Council Balls for Balls (the month of April)
During the month of April, Clubs and sporting bodies can raise funds for vital research into men’s cancers and to support those affected at every stage. Get your mates together and host a Balls For Balls fundraiser or set yourself a ballsy challenge that involves juggling with a ball.
You can join the cause here: https://www.doitforcancer.com.au/event/ballsforballs/home
Female Football Week (6th-15th May)
Female Football Week is a nationwide initiative to celebrate the immense growth of women’s football at all levels of the game and acknowledge and promote the important role women play in developing football. The objective of Female Football Week is to drive female participation at all levels of the game.
To get involved, please contact charlotte@hillsfootball.com.au
PlayinPurple (18th-19th June and 25th-26th June)
Across these two weekends, Clubs and sporting bodies will be raising awareness for Pancreatic Cancer. You can get involved by changing your socks to purple across the mentioned dates. Socks can be purchased for $15.00 with all purchases going towards the cause.
The online store will open on 6th April so keep a look out on the following website: https://pankind.org.au/take-action/playinpurple/
NAIDOC Week Indigenous Round (3rd – 10th July)
This is a National celebration to celebrate and recognise the history culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories and participate in celebrations.
Please contact charlotte@hillsfootball.com.au to get involved
Additional Celebrations and Key Dates
Separate to the above initiatives, there is a larger range of community celebrations throughout the year that can be celebrated and acknowledged by your Club: which can be found below:
- International Womens Day (08.03.2022)
- Mardi Gras (19.03.2022)
- Harmony Day (21.03.2022)
- Ramadan (02.04.2022 – 01.05.2022)
- Easter (17.04.2022)
- Orthodox Easter (24.04.2022)
- Eid (02.05.2022)
- Female Football Week (06.05.2022 – 16.05.2022)
- National Volunteers Week (16.05.2022 – 22.05.2022)
- Pride Month (June)
- Reconciliation Week (27.05.2022 – 03.06.2022)
- Refugee Week (20.06.2022 – 26.06.2022)
- Wear It Purple Day (27.08.2022)
- Jersey Day (02.09.2022)
- R U OK? Day (08.09.2022)
- International day for Older Persons (01.10.2022)
- World Mental Health Day (10.10.2022)
- Diwali (04.11.2022)
- International Day of People with Disability (03.12.2022)