Hills Football will be conducting trials for our 2018 Part Time GSAP squads on the following days:
Trial 1
Sunday 22nd October, 2017
Location: Francesco Reserve, Bella Vista
Time: U10 & U11 9.30am arrival for a 10am start
U12 & U13 12.30pm arrival for a 1pm Start
Trial 2
Sunday 29th October, 2017
Location: The Hills Grammar School, Kenthurst
Time: U10 & U11 9.30am arrival for a 10am start
U12 & U13 12.30pm arrival for a 1pm Start
ALL players must register prior to the trials
What is the Skill Acquisition Program?
Hills Footballs Girls Skill Acquisition Program delivers the FFA’s Skill Acquisition Phase Training (based on the National Curriculum), which is designed to equip the players with the functional game (technical) skills required for this age and phase of development.